Privacy Policy

In order to apply the maximum transparency in the treatments carried out by Jeyfa S.C.P Knitwear in the framework of the collection of personal data related to the procedures and / or registrations for the provision of the requested services, we publish the following information:

Jeyfa SCP knitwear, located at Cosidores street, 10 Polígon Industrial Can Ribot 08319, Dosrius (Barcelona), is responsible for the processing of personal data of the user or interested party, and informs you that this data will be processed accordingly with the provisions of current regulations on the protection of personal data, Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of 27 April 2016 (GDPR) on the protection of individuals with regard to the processing of personal data and the free movement of data these data, and in accordance with Organic Law 3/2018 of 5 December on the Protection of Personal Data and the guarantee of digital rights, which therefore provides you with the following information on processing:

Purpose of treatment

The data provided by the user or interested party will be used for the exclusive management and execution of the procedure or registration of orders and for the service that is competent for the management of the requested service and its resolution, according to the authorized in the current legislation applicable at any time.

Legitimation of treatment

Knitted fabrics Jeyfa SCP is legitimized by the processing of data of interested parties or users who have provided your personal data voluntarily, filling out forms or sending an email and expressly consented, with the acceptance of the protection clauses of data and privacy policy, the treatment of the same for the purposes mentioned above.

The User is solely responsible for the origin, ownership, totality, content, veracity and accuracy of the data, and information provided by himself for the purposes set out in the Portal, which will be subject to a strict policy of confidentiality and privacy. All this implies that Jeyfa S.C.P Knitwear does not assume responsibility for the information and content hosted by the User.

In the event that the user or interested party does not provide the data or refuses the processing, it will not be possible to offer the service or send communications.

Data retention criteria

The data will be kept as long as the relationship of resolution or provision of the requested service is maintained and for the time established by the applicable commercial, accounting or tax regulations.

They will be deregistered when it is expressly stated that there is no interest in maintaining the data to comply with any of the purposes of the processing, and when it is no longer necessary for that purpose.
The data will be deleted with appropriate security measures to ensure the pseudonymization of the data or the total destruction of the data.

Data communication

The personal data provided by users or interested parties will not be released to any other natural or legal person without the explicit consent of the User, nor will it be used improperly.

Knitted fabrics Jeyfa S.C.P is committed to professional secrecy with respect to the data included in the treatments, an obligation that will subsist even after the end of the relationship with the User. This duty of secrecy affects all personnel who can access and manage the data provided by the registered User.

Rights that assist the User

You can exercise your rights at any time:

Right of access, rectification, deletion, opposition of your data and limitation of processing.
Right to the portability of your data
Right not to be subject to automated individualized decisions, including profiling
Right to file a complaint with the control authority ( if it considers that the treatment does not comply with current regulations.

Contact details to exercise your rights

Postal address: C / Cosidores, 10 Polígon Industrial Can Ribot 08319, Dosrius (Barcelona)
Email address:

Indicate which right you want to exercise and identify yourself reliably.

Additional information

SECURITY MEASURES. In accordance with current regulations on the protection of personal data, Jeyfa SCP Knitwear is complying with all the provisions of the regulations of the RGPD, for the processing of personal data of responsibility, and clearly with the principles described in Article 5 of the RGPD, by which they are treated in a way 486 / 5000
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lawful, fair and transparent in relation to the interested party and appropriate, relevant and limited to what is necessary in relation to the purposes for which they are treated.

Knitwear Jeyfa S.C.P ensures that it has implemented appropriate technical and organizational policies to implement the security measures established by the RGPD, to protect the rights and freedoms of Users and has provided them with the appropriate information so that they can exercise them.

© Copyright - Tejidos de punto Jeyfa S.C.P